Sunday, January 29, 2023

Avatar: The Way Of Water Movie Review

Avatar: The Way Of Water Movie Review | Avatar: The Way Of Water Movie Explained| Avtar 2 Movie Review 

Avtar 2 movie review
Story Line 
Jake Sully and Ney’tiri have formed a family and are doing everything to stay together. However, they must leave their home and explore the regions of Pandora. When an ancient threat resurfaces, Jake must fight a difficult war against the humans. Jake leads a guerilla operation against the RDA supply lines. Quaritch initiates a search mission to find Jake, and his squad captures Jake’s children. Jake and Neytiri arrive and free most of them, but Spider is taken by Quaritch, who recognizes him as his son. Inside the base, Spider is tortured to reveal the whereabouts of Jake, which he refuses. Acknowledging his bravery, Quaritch decides to save Spider and spend time with him in order to draw Spider on his side, and in turn Spider teaches Quaritch about Na’vi culture and allow him to bond with an Ikran. Knowing the danger Spider’s knowledge of his whereabouts poses, Jake and his family banish themselves from the Omaticaya and retreat to the Metkayina reef people clan at Pandora’s eastern seaboard, where they are given shelter, even though some tribesmen deride Jake and his children for their genetic human heritage. The family learns the ways of the reef people, Kiri develops a spiritual bond with the sea and its creatures, and Lo’ak befriends Tsireya, the daughter of clan chief Tonowari and his wife Ronal.

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) on IMDb Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) on IMDb


Avatar the way of water is directed by James Cameron and arrives in theaters 13 years after destroying box office records back in 2009. 

Jake Sully liveswith his Newfound family formed on the extrasolar moon Pandora but once a familiar threat returns to finish what was previously started Jake must work with natiri in the army of the navi race to protect their home I honestly thought that Avatar 2 would never come out I didn't even think it would ever happen it's been pushed back so far it's been delayed for so long and James Cameron is notoriously such a perfectionist and wants to invent new technology every time 

He touches a camera that I just assumed this movie would never happen and I'll admit to being disappointed. that he had basically invested so much time of his life and of his career into the Avatar Universe I like the first.

Avatar I just re-watched it last night I think it's a visually dazzling movie story Wise It's been done before or just in different ways but of course it's undeniable that it was a technical achievement and it is a very entertaining fun crowd-pleasing movie.

But it's not my favorite James Cameron movie and I was hoping that he would lean more into something else nevertheless here we are with Avatar too it actually did happen and I remember when I heard the news article that he had already shot all of these sequences for the sequels even after this film.

 And I was like oh wow he really is like just working on this as long as he wants it's so crazy to even think about the fact that most films are restricted to a schedule like you can shoot your movie.

For 20 days or 25 days or six months or three months or two months or whatever James Cameron seems to just like wake up and just work on Avatar every day for ever but that's what happens when you've made the amount of great films.

 That he has he is truly a master of his craft and if you ever actually have heard him talk about movies and the way he approaches filmmaking like with his master class course that I watched It's really inspiring to hear just how in depth he thinks about every single thing from a technical perspective in his film and it's the best and worst part of both.

Avatar movies I really really enjoyed way of water I think it's just like the first technically mind-blowing it's absolutely staggering like very rarely do I leave a movie and go yeah I haven't got the first goddamn clue how they did that I know actors are in mocap suits but beyond that I got nothing it's without a doubt a real movie like boldened in all capital letters this is like the type of film you just don't see that much and we've gotten now two of those this year between this and top gun Maverick it's insane the amount of visual Ingenuity that is constantly on display I mean in the first avatar you kind of get bored sometimes during the sequences with human Jake sutley and you just kind of want to get them back to Pandora and all that cool stuff this movie is like only blue people from beginning to end.

It's it's all blue people so I was in a constant state of awe from beginning to end I just don't know how this movie was made and it's it's mind-blowing just like the first one though. I will say that the stories are very simple we've seen stories like this before and that seems to be the trick of the Avatar.

Franchise thus far anyway you tell a very simple story that's appealing to anyone something like protect those you love and then you paint that story on a massive canvas of other worldly.

Technology and places and things you've never seen before but the true trick of the Avatar franchise that.
 James Cameron has pulled off thus far is that both the first film and this film contain a very valuable message about our environment obviously the first one was about protecting our forests and this one is about protecting our oceans and if any young kids can go and watch this movie and experience. that message and understand why that's important while also being entertained by people getting shot with bow and arrows a lot then that's good and that's what James Cameron is trying to do and that's very clear.

 I mean even in his real life he's done a lot of activism for the environment and so that's very important to him and so if you appreciate the planet we live on and hope to preserve it then Avatar one and two are going to have a deeper meaning for you and are going to feel more impactful but. 
That really is the trick of all crowd-pleasing audience entertainment. right big movies it's always simple stories told in a very big way I mean top gun Maverick is just a dressed up surrogate father-son story right I mean that's what it is at its core and it's great but there's also Jets and it's amazing and fun.

James Cameron is definitely tapped into the way to make these types of stories appealing they just require a lot of goddamn time and money to do it the way he wants to but just like the original avatar for the first half of this movie I didn't find myself emotionally engaged all that much you know you're learning the environments you're in you're you're feeling out the characters you're establishing a lot of different characters and they are all in various different places in their lives. 

And they're all going through different struggles and hardships and then right around the midpoint just like the original something devastating happens and you're like. I'm in all those people who just did that thing.

I want to see them pay that's the hook the first film gave me and that's the hook this one gave me too so the last half of both Avatar movies is just incredible absolutely thrilling the first half of both Avatar movies I didn't really find myself all that engaged now I'm talking purely about on an emotional level there is always something to engage with on the screen in Avatar too you can stare at the screen with your jaw hanging slack for this entire movie just wondering 

How it was done and if you see it in 3D like I did in fact I don't even know if there are 2D options maybe there are but the screening was in 3D and I am not a fan of 3D and that is also a side effect of the first movie it made it so popular that all of a sudden all these. 

Films were post converting into 3D that were never supposed to be in 3D which I'm assuming pissed off a lot of filmmakers and every movie was in 3D forever but gratefully for me anyway that's kind of leveled out 3D has remained an option for at least a few show times a day for some of the bigger films but now with Avatar 2 being in 3D it's not as impressive to me because the first film and the response to it from Hollywood.

Which is not Avatar or James Cameron's fault the response to it from Hollywood to make everything 3D for a few years made the experience of watching movies in 3D rather tiresome but there is no doubt in my mind that James Cameron has cracked the code for delivering the best possible 3D experience if you are forced or want to see this movie in 3D because it is beautiful it's very clear that James Cameron just doesn't accept.

something that doesn't look as real as it can and I think even sometimes then when something looks as real as it can he says well can that be better I will say there is an element of the film Beyond the fact that the emotional hook didn't really land for me until half way through that just doesn't work at least in my opinion of course there's a young character in the film that is human who has sort of been been left behind he's a product of things that occurred in the original film and he's sort of been adopted by the navi and his character is in the film a lot it's not that. he's like annoying or bothersome it's just that on the page or in this case on the screen 

I'm thinking about the screenplay I just didn't really understand his motivation he's very wishy-washy in a strange way. he reminds me of the Mac character from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Ray win stone's a fine actor he's not an annoying character that you wish wasn't in the movie but you can't read him very well he keeps switching sides he'll do one thing for the good guys then he'll do one thing for the bad guys then he'll do one thing for the good and you can't you can't read him and this kid his name is spider the character in the film. 

I just I couldn't the motivation didn't feel clear to me and I wish that that storyline landed better because it includes some important elements similar to the first I think the thing that most people are going to be talking about is the final hour of the way of water because it is just non-stop I mean it's constant action drama suspense and tension and Cameron does some very interesting things with the Dynamics of parents and their children and the roles they play and how one can help the other or not help the other and of course at the end of the day the thing that's I think hopefully really going to stick with people is just that we need to protect our oceans and I really admire Cameron for using this broad audience entertainment to hopefully convey a deeper message.

That could potentially enact people to take some things seriously. that maybe they weren't thinking about before odds are if you like movies you're probably gonna go check out Avatar the way of water in theaters but I do encourage you to because anytime a big movie comes out in theaters I'm glad to see theaters supported and even though this is technically a massive IP it is an original thing that Cameron just kind of invented and it's this world that's supported by two films and over a decade of work.

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